The New Kid on the Block: Getting to Know Dr. Jonathon Ditlev

The New Kid on the Block: Getting to Know Dr. Jonathon Ditlev

written by Claire MacMurray Dr. Jonathon Ditlev joined our department in August of 2019. His current topic of interest is the postsynaptic density, a membraneless organelle found within the synaptic region of the neuron. His efforts are motivated by an attempt to better understand the 

In Light of Darkness

In Light of Darkness

written by Kate Jiang During the day, my boss goes through the usual chores of emails, committee meetings, and grants; but when night comes around and the clock strikes 9, he puts on a black lab coat and heads into our lab’s microscopy room. Sometimes 

Part II: How serendipity can lead to a new model for Alzheimer’s disease

Part II: How serendipity can lead to a new model for Alzheimer’s disease

PDB ID: 6DSO Cryo-EM structure of murine AA amyloid fibril written by Claire MacMurray It is my hope that both part one of this series in addition to Dr. Herrup’s Connell lecture brought awareness to the state of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research and the predominant 

Connell Lecture Series: Dr. Heidi McBride

Connell Lecture Series: Dr. Heidi McBride

written by Em Miraglia Dr. Heidi McBride is a professor at McGill University and a Canada Research Chair in Mitochondrial Cell Biology. She was invited to give a Connell Lecture on November 13th, 2019, during which she shared two ongoing stories from her lab focusing 

Raising awareness: Addressing the lack of treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

Raising awareness: Addressing the lack of treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

Cryo-EM structure of human AA amyloid fibril (PDB ID: 6MST) written by Claire MacMurray In light of news published earlier this year, it is evident that the field of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as a collective, refuses to abandon the “amyloid hypothesis”. I aim to suggest that such 

From the lab to the runway: Making academia more inclusive through Drag

From the lab to the runway: Making academia more inclusive through Drag

Written by Andrew Zhai Rawbyn Diamonds walks onto the stage at Toronto’s Gladstone Hotel. She’s carrying an umbrella while seamlessly mouthing the words to Rihanna’s Umbrella. In fact she went to school with Rihanna in Barbados. Whether or not this is true doesn’t matter: with 

Connell Lecture Series: Dr. Tom Rapoport

Connell Lecture Series: Dr. Tom Rapoport

written by Alexa Fitzpatrick photo courtesy of the Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg  Dr. Tom Rapoport is a professor with the Department of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. Dr. Rapoport will be discussing his research on the mechanisms 

Connell Lecture Series: Dr. Gerhard Wagner

Connell Lecture Series: Dr. Gerhard Wagner

written by Sungwon Hwang Dr. Gerhard Wagner is a professor with the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School. He has been invited to give a talk on April 17th as a part of the George Connell 

So you’ve picked a lab. Now what?

So you’ve picked a lab. Now what?

written by Anjali Balakrishnan It’s the month of January. You have made the choice for your graduate career following short-lived lab rotations. The decision was made either using lengthy pro-con lists, or perhaps you heeded the advice of fellow graduate students, or you turned to 

Changemakers: Noah, Nero and Susan

Changemakers: Noah, Nero and Susan

written by Vaibhav Bhandari with photos by Richard Li With winter fully underway, we scurry about from location to destination to escape the bitter cold and wind. On the edges of the campus and around town, often noticeable are the city’s homeless – taking cover